Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27

Some things we have already learned:
Finn proclaimed that “it really actually is a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.”
Saying sorry doesn't get the job done.
A train will flatten your quarter and you can still see which state it is from.
Hot dogs roasted in a train yard taste about as good as it gets.
Shout out to all you hunters, if you are looking for Canadian Geese, they're all in Center City NE!

February 27

Well, our first night was pretty typical--asside from being run out of the state park campground by ice hopped hoodlums, having to park on the street in front of a church, having no water and no heat, and the temp being around 10 degrees, we did quite fine. Thank goodness we are avid fans of the show Survivorman because it truly was quite an iniation night. We settled in with our stocking hats on and snuggled for warmth. After that we feel we are up for anything! (Provided a Holiday Inn is nearby.)
Our goal today is to get to the western side of Nebraska and Colorado tomorrow.

February 26, 2010

Yippie! After all the planning and preperation we are FINALLY on the road! Anything we forgot we will live without (Eli, did you remember to grab the tp?) Eli with the flu and Finn asking if we are there yet, we are wondering if this really is a good idea. But with a prayer sendoff from Pastor Mark and a car load of excitement we begin our adventure!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stephanie and I are having a disagreement about how many clean pairs of underwear I should have for a one week period. The question is how many clean backups should I need for one week? I am also concerned about the number of shoes Stephanie needs to be both fashionable and functional--what is a reasonable number of pairs for her to bring along? Looking for some support here please. We may have to call of the trip if we can't reach some agreement.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Has anyone seen my rain pants??? Or Eli's headphones?? Ready or not on Feb 26 the O'Dells and one month's supply of dry goods are heading west. We will be visiting family and friends in Colorado, California and Arizona. Some of the things we are looking forward to are traveling through the mountains, spending some time playing in the snow and finding some adventure.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting Ready

We are packing, organizing, situating and re-packing. Chris has been outfitting the Scamp and has realized that there is space for the boys to sleep on bunks, Stephanie to sleep on the bed and no place for him--looks like those camping mats will get some use on the floor. Stephanie has been researching our possible destinations, finding great state parks, rockhounding sites, factory tours and roadside attractions along the way. We are getting super excited but there is still a lot to do!