Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Julia Pfeiffer Big State Beach

We had decided to go to Julia Pfeiffer Big State Beach which is right in the Big Sur Area. It is a bit difficult to find because the road is unmarked and also very narrow. We found it easily enough, though, and were going down this narrow road when this yellow vintage Mercedes comes blasting up the road from the other direction! The driver had on over sized sunglasses and a black hooded sweatshirt--we are pretty certain that we sighted the Uni-bomber! I am confident that he didn't even see us nor our minivan as he never slowed and careened our side mirror.

We did make it to the beach which was different than what we had expected. It was beautiful and the waves were pretty strong and so it wasn't a swimming beach. There was a huge rocky cliff that we walked out on to to get sprayed by the waves. Eli made another rock sculpture and the boys spent quite a bit of time constructing a dam. Another thing that was unique about this beach was that the sand had a purple-ish tint which is from garnet in the sand--pretty cool!

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